The United States has had at least 40 territories over the past few hundred years. Like the Oklahoma Territory or the Louisiana Territory, lands owned by the U.S. but not within a state that are populated by U.S. citizens have a temporary status as a U.S. territory while waiting to become a state. Once it was ready, each territory would apply for statehood and in due time it would become a state — like Oklahoma and Louisiana, to name just 2 of 32 that have become states.
There is a court-created idea a territory classified by federal law as “unincorporated” is different from territories that are “incorporated” and waiting for statehood. But any territory status, incorporated or unincorporated, is constitutionally temporary, subject to the power of Congress to decide a permanent status.
It is a little confusing trying to define what is the same and what is different about the two general categories of territories: incorporated and unincorporated. One way to look at it is that an incorporated territory has only one intended option and that is to become a state. In comparison, for unincorporated territories statehood is one of two options to acquire a permanent constitutionally defined status, and the other alternative to territorial status is nationhood.
The first report of the President’s Task Force on Puerto Rico’s Status in 2005 stated that “unincorporated” territories are not on the path to statehood. That is true only with regard to current unincorporated territories too small and demographically not capable of being viable as states. That would make nationhood the only options for these small unincorporated territories.
A dilemma arises in that territories too small to be states typically may be too small to be nations, making temporary and less than fully democratic unincorporated territory status the only viable option. For these territories seeking to be made a part of an existing state is one possibility. But that would mean giving up the institutions of territorial government, not to achieve nationhood or statehood, but to achieve the status of a county within a state. Finally, it also can be noted that some very small islands once ruled by the U.S. consistent with U.N. Charter provisions have become nations with treaties of association to the U.S. rather than being U.S. territories.
A large and populated territory that could be a state or nation but is still unincorporated is in a difficult position: Congress has not yet decided the status it will have when territorial status ends. Puerto Rico is the last U.S. territory in that category.
That is a fairly understandable definition of the political status defined by Congress as the political branch of government with express territorial powers. But until territorial status ends, the best legal definition of an unincorporated territory is one the federal courts handed down, in which the courts decided the U.S. Constitution does not apply directly in unincorporated territories, even if populated by U.S. citizens, because it is not yet known if the territory will become a state or a separate nation.
The court cases that adopted this definition of unincorporated territory have created a lot of confusion by also ruling that “fundamental rights” apply to U.S. citizens in unincorporated territories, but leaving Congress to decide what that means on a case by case basis with no clear or consistent standards.
The court-invented distinction between incorporated territories on the path to statehood and those deemed “unincorporated” originally applied only to newly-acquired island territories with non-citizen populations. This doctrine for temporary governance of such territories ceased to be consistent with U.S. democratic values once Congress conferred U.S. citizenship on the population. Today Puerto Rico is the only current territory ready for statehood, and the only territory in which the U.S. citizens have voted to end territorial status and seek statehood.
All territories, whether deemed incorporated or unincorporated, could remain territories indefinitely if Congress does not exercise the power to change their status. So the distinction between the two has to be understood in light of whether the territory is ready for transition to a fully democratic status as a state or a nation.
U.S. territorial law and policy is inconsistent and unpredictable for federal officials and people in the territory because the courts and Congress have never clearly defined what “fundamental rights” apply to U.S. citizens in the territories classified as “unincorporated” and therefore outside the U.S. Constitution.
As a result, Puerto Rico has remained unincorporated for 114 years, longer than any other territory with a U.S. citizen population in our history. This has created confusion and debate about the current territorial status and the options for securing equal rights of U.S. citizenship in Puerto Rico.
We should not accept the anti-demoncratic notion that Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory as an excuse for Puerto Rico’s continued uncertain status. Declaring Puerto Rico an unincorporated territory provided an excuse to leave Puerto Rico’s status unresolved. It never offered an explanation or a justification for leaving millions of people in the position of second class citizens without equal rights.
14 Responses
[…] is what status Puerto Rico should have. Puerto Rico is currently a territory, but there are serious problems caused by this status. Many presidents of the United States, including Barack Obama, have said that […]
[…] argument is over, but the strange position of Puerto Rico, the last of the American colonies, is left over from those days. The American […]
[…] fix U.S. policies that are not in its favor, so the Island continues in the strange position of an unincorporated territory, with none of the power of a State or a […]
[…] Rico. Puerto Rico’s history has shown that equal treatment is probably not possible for an unincorporated territory, but O’Malley has said that “Puerto Rico should be treated just like the […]
[…] Pierluisi pointed out that Puerto Rico’s problems are the result of the territory’s unequal position, caused by its status as an unincorporated territory. […]
As long as Spanish remains the primary means of communication in Puerto Rico, the territory should not become a state. Since many Puerto Ricans contend that the language issue is not to be challenged, then independence is the logical route that the islanders should strive for.
WRONG. Statehood is a form of political integration NOT cultural assimilation and the establishment of an official language or languages is the province of each State and not the Federal Government or prejudiced Anglocentric monolingual English speakers of European ancestry in the US–which is the reason Hawaii has English and native Hawaiian as official languages, Louisiana has English and French, new Mexico has English and Spanish and Alaska has English and more than 20 native Alaskan languages including various Inuit dialects as official languages. If Puerto Rico as a State of the Union can decide its own official languages then the fact that a majority of the residents of Puerto Rico (myself included) are native Spanish speakers is NO reasonable or acceptable bar to making Puerto Rico a State of the Union RIGHT NOW–aside from the fact that 20% to 25% of Puerto Rico’s native Spanish speakers are English-Spanish bilingual and another 25% to 30% though not bilingual understand and speak English well enough to hold a meaningful conversation. GOOD ENOUGH FOR STATEHOOD, ENOUGH DILLY-DALLYING ALREADY.
[…] leaves Puerto Rico in the untenable position of an unincorporated territory, where it has been for more than a century. As an unincorporated territory, Puerto Rico has no […]
[…] of the United States.” It is time for Puerto Rico to have a permanent status, not the failed unincorporated territory status. It is time for statehood for Puerto […]
Congressional Bill HR 727 was introduced three years ago to start the admission process for statehood but Congress ignored it. Statehood will cost the US taxpayers billions and besides the island had it’s chance in becoming a state when the economy was doing well but that window of opportunity past them by.
[…] with the US was constructed in dependency to benefit US businesses and economic interests. As an Unincorporated territory, Puerto Ricans have limited representation but must abide by US legislation. The United […]
[…] Rico is an unincorporated territory of the U.S., so while it isn’t a state, and its citizens don’t have quite the same […]
i was born in pr. my father and mother and six children moves to new york city in1943.We all went to school in new york.i finshed high school and went to the airforce 4yrs active and 4yrs reserved.In1969 i moved to pr. got a job with worldcom a commuication company and work there 25 was a lot different then we had better treatment from the USA we had many military bases here and many amerian companys.after the probems in vieques the bombing stop and all USA base pulled out of pr. the years that followed the relation with the USA went down hill.Now i feel like a second grade citizen.
[…] is deemed to be too small to be a state and too small to be a nation. Because the status of being an unincorporated territory is a “temporary status”, this means that the U.S. constitution only partially applies to unincorporated territories because […]