Congress makes the decisions for Puerto Rico, under the Territory Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The president must sign any bills Congress creates for territories, but Congress must make the decisions. However, the current administration has another important player apart from the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. Tech mogul Elon Musk, the First Buddy, has a great deal of influence in the current administration. So what does he have to say about Puerto Rico?


Back in 2017, Musk said that he could fix Puerto Rico’s electrical grid. Tesla did send some batteries and also did some work toward microgrids, but the project failed by 2019.  According to The Huffington Post, regulations were an obstacle to Tesla’s plans and the people left behind to care for the technology Tesla delivered did not receive the training or support needed. The items that were delivered were left to disintegrate and never worked.

Earlier this month, though, Puerto Rico invested federal funds in batteries from Tesla. The batteries, part of the Tesla Mega Pack system, are expected to provide the same amount of electricity as the largest power plant now in Puerto Rico.

“We are addressing the energy crisis by taking action to stabilize the system and ensure a reliable, modern, and accessible electric service for all,” said Governor González-Colón at a signing ceremony. “The signing of the contract for the acquisition of 430 MW in Energy Storage Systems, which does not cost the people as it comes from federal funds, does not increase emissions, is part of the movement toward new energy sources, and can greatly reduce power outages. It is a decisive step in the implementation of our energy policy focused on diversifying energy sources and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. It also creates a more attractive environment for investment and business growth by improving the reliability of the electric supply and reducing the costs associated with interruptions.”

This is a business opportunity for Elon Musk, which makes it different from the plans made in 2017, but it does build on the technologies used in the initial efforts. The Puerto Rico project is the largest battery project currently underway in the United States, and is expected to be completed in 2027.

Recent remarks

More recently, on a podcast hosted by Joe Rogan, Musk brought up the old story that Democrats want to make Puerto Rico a state in order to get two more Democratic senators. Musk added the spurious claim that Democrats were also “importing illegals” to turn current states Democratic, but otherwise it is the familiar false narrative.

“The reason I went so hardcore for Trump was because to me this was a fork in the road,” Musk said, describing what he saw as a Democratic plan. “If they had another four years, they would legalize enough illegals in the swing states to make the swing states not swing states. They would just, they would be blue states. Then they would win the presidential, they’d win the House, the Senate and the Presidency. They would then make D.C. into a state, maybe Puerto Rico, get four extra senators, pack the Supreme Court. So then you’ll have the House, Judiciary, Senate and presidency all blue. And then they will keep importing more illegals to cement that outcome.”

In fact, Puerto Rico is not likely to be a blue state and statehood is a bipartisan project. Both Republicans and Democrats support statehood, both in Congress and among the voters, as a recent YouGov poll proves. In fact, Independents also support statehood. The desire to see justice and equality for Puerto Rico through statehood transcends political positions.

We are disappointed to hear that Musk accepts this anti-factual story, but we hear it very frequently. Having just made a lucrative deal with the Republican Governor of Puerto Rico, Musk may be able to see that Puerto Rico has room for more than one political viewpoint.

Whether your legislators are Democrats or Republicans. please reach out to them and make sure they know that you support statehood and that you want to see them on the right side of history. Elon Musk has not been elected to Congress, so he cannot make decisions for Puerto Rico. Your congressional representatives can.



One response

  1. Hola! To deny the right of US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico to a VOTE to END Federal undemocratic Territorial control because they might vote Democrat (like Musk and Trump in the past have said), is biased as they treat PR differently than other US Territories (which didn’t have this requirement) that became a State… Plus, this an unfair/unjust requirement that goes against our American CORE democratic values and Principles, where each individual is free to choose/democratically cast their Vote…

    Plus, currently–the PR Governor, Speaker of the House, Senate President, and many other elected officials are REPUBLICANS…! (Please, read below FACTS.)

    (Summary Research per: US Constitution; US Supreme Court; US Justice Dept.; AI; Experts; History; Reason)

    AmeRICANS under Federal Suppression (since 1898)!
    Since 1898 (for over 126+ years), the Federal Government has kept the US Territory of Puerto Rico (PR)-(with more US Citizens-US Veterans than 21 States)–under undemocratic control (with NO Federal “consent of the governed”)-as the US Constitution is NOT fully applied to PR (part of “We the People”)! Thus, WE Patriots demand full Equal Civil Rights/ Democracy for ALL; Federal Action to END PR’s unfair Territorial Status; revocation of unjust Laws…!
    “The Federal Government should be the Servant of ALL the People; NOT the Master of some!”
    FACTS are: Today, millions of PR-2d Class US Citizens-US Veterans don’t have full Civil Rights—like NO Vote for US President; NO just Representation in US Congress; NO Parity in Federal Laws, Programs, or Funding (for Veterans, Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Infrastructure, Education, SSI, etc.) that other US Citizens fully get; *NO permanent “statutory” US Citizenship (even if moving to a State)…!
    ++Plus, the Federal Government unfairly controls PR’s Borders, Currency, Laws, Security, Economy, Trade, etc.—under the unfair Territorial Clause (of 1787); unjust racist Insular Cases (of 1901-1925+); other biased Laws.
    ++Besides, Puerto Ricans face a magna CRISIS; Exodus to the States–which major ROOT components are: Jobs, Economy, Security, Infrastructure, and Federal undemocratic Territorial Status—where each PART affects the other. The unfair Territorial status affects everything; brings instability…; ties PR’s Hands to fairly compete-grow the Economy; limits progress; goes against our US Democratic core values & principles; is Un-American!
    “WE THE PEOPLE come first; not Federal institutional discrimination!”
    In our US Republic, the power should reside with all “We the People” (made up by Individuals)–per our Declaration of Independence that calls for “Consent of the Governed”; noble US Constitution that calls for Equal Rights-Fairness, and a Republican form of Government or a Representative Democracy! Fight for Right-END PR’s Federal undemocratic Status!
    “NO Federal VOTE or just Representation = NO Democracy or a Tyranny of a Majority!”
    Our Federal Government can end this unjust inequity now; amend/revoke unfair Laws that limit progress. But instead, some politically distort; spin; misinform; stereotype; provide meritless/biased EXCUSES that blame the Victim; create double standards not applied to Other US Citizens! This results in confusion & stalemate–that perpetuates Federal subjugation!
    You can’t have both ways (either support Equal Rights or Federal Domination)!
    Puerto Ricans have loyally sacrificed, defended, & greatly contributed to the development of our noble USA; cherish their US Citizenship; have voted (2012, 2017, 2020, & 2024) to END the unjust Territorial Status as STATEHOOD has won all these local Plebiscites (last one with 59% of the Vote). But, US Congress has not acted to end Federal undemocratic control!
    “Silence to Federal suppression; supports injustice!”
    Fix/Focus: The Federal Government- must revoke biased/unfair Laws; END PR’s unjust Territorial Status; do a FAIR democratic Plebiscite with defined/viable Non-Territorial Options-which are: STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (Without or With a FREE ASSOCIATION Pact)- or take other ACTION/Options (e.g. Statehood YES or NO Vote) to ensure Equality & Progress.
    “En la UNIÓN está la Fuerza!” (“We are Stronger with a Union of States!”)
    Our US (a diverse Union of Sovereign States)-with EQUAL Civil Rights, Benefits & Responsibilities; STATE: Identity, Constitution, Flag, Sovereignty, etc.) is the best in the World—where each State complements each other; is stronger than by it-self …! UNITED, under our US Constitution/Flag–brings more Progress for the Good of All!
    ++Only STATEHOOD guarantees a permanent statutory US Citizenship as “statutory” US Citizens (includes in a State)—don’t have a permanent US Citizenship–because it’s not based on the 14th Amendment, but, its source is the unfair *Territorial Clause & racist *Insular Cases. Thus, the US Congress must protect those in the States or let them Vote in any Plebiscite.
    “Puerto Ricans Sacrifice & Contribute to our diverse, but, United-USA since 1513!”
    US Puerto Ricans (PR) are about 9+million strong (most-6+m-live in the States-Florida) as they are integrated; sacrifice, and loyally contribute (in all fields of endeavor-since 1898) to our diverse USA/ UNITED Ethnic Groups). PR patriotically sheds sweat, blood, and tears for our US Flag (WWI; WW-II; Cold War, Korea; Vietnam; Global War on Terrorism…until today); serves as a Strategic Defense Outpost-protecting the South-East approach to our USA–counter-acting, in the Caribbean & other places- threats to our National Security; has restructured its debt as its Economy grows, etc.

    Also, Hispanic-PR Ancestors (1st Governor of PR) came from PR to Florida (in 1513)-107 years before the Pilgrims; others fought in the US War of Independence (1776); brought Christianity and other good things to our now USA. Today, PR- serves as a Commercial, Security, & Diplomatic Bridge to Hispanic America; pays more Federal taxes than 6 States; has a better GDP than 14 States; is a US captive Market that creates about a million US Jobs; has the best Income per Capita than 32 Latin American Nations. PR helps grow our economy & protect our noble “UNION”—the best in the annuals of History!

    But, Hispanic-Puerto Ricans are being territorially segregated; treated unjustly by their biased Federal Government-Legislative, Executive & Judicial-that, at times, misinterpret our evolving US Constitution that today, WE OWN! Plus, some say: “All People are Equal” but, mean: “Some People are more Equal than others”! In our US Republic– the power should reside with (like Lincoln said)-“a Government of the People, by the People, and for the People”!
    “God Bless our diverse/united/noble USA!”
    THE TIME IS NOW-take patriotic ACTION, based on facts-contact our US Congress/US President to do a democratic Federal Plebiscite on defined non-territorial options: STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (Without or With Free Association Pact) or other Option that brings Equal Rights to all “WE THE PEOPLE” (including Puerto Ricans).

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