We make it easy for you to send an email to your congressional rep. However, you can also give them a call.

The majority of voters in Puerto Rico want statehood. However, Puerto Rico has very limited representation in the federal government. The resident commissioner is just one person with no vote on the House floor, there are no senators, and residents of Puerto Rico cannot vote for the president and vice president. It’s essential that people who live in the states speak up for Puerto Rico.

You can visit your rep’s office, write them a letter, send an email, reach them on Twitter, and you can also call them on your phone.

First, you need to find them

We’ll make that easy for you, too. Just visit this page. You’ll put in your address and see all the people who represent you in Washington, D.C.

You can go to their website, find their phone number, and dial it. Or you can call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202)224-3121. They will connect you with the office of your legislator.

Now, what are you going to say?

It can help to write down the main points you want to make before you call. That helps you keep on point.

We suggest that you ask your congressional rep to cosponsor H.R.8393, the Puerto Rico Status Act, and to vote for it when it comes up on the floor of Congress.

Some points you could make:

  •  Puerto Rico’s current territory status is unequal, unjust, and undemocratic.
  • Puerto Rico’s voters have chosen statehood in three status votes, in 2012, 2017, and 2020.
  • The Puerto Rico Status Act will correct this longstanding injustice by respecting the will of the people of Puerto Rico.
  • HR 8393 includes all the legally viable status options apart from remaining a territory.
  • This legislation will end more than a century of injustice.
  • Every territory which has become a state has prospered and enriched the United States.

Add a story that shows why this matters to you. The experiences you and your friends and family have had can touch the heart of your congressperson and help them understand the human cost of this inequality.

Tell your friends and family how easy it was

Can you share your experience with three friends or family members who live in states? Research shows that contact on a subject by just 30 constituents gets the issue to the top of a congressperson’s mind. Statehood is closer than ever. We need one last push. Please take action now.



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