The Congress in 2005-2006 considered a bill introduced by Luis Fortuño, then the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. Fortuño, a Republican, later became the Governor of Puerto Rico. He introduced HR 4867, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2006. This law allowed a vote between continuing as a territory or choosing a permanent non-territorial status.

If the majority chose to continue as a territory, the law required plebiscites every eight years until the voters of Puerto Rico felt ready for statehood. If the vote favored a permanent status, another plebiscite would be held, giving a choice between independence or statehood.

This law did not pass. In 2012, a plebiscite was held which included both questions — remain a territory and if not, what status would you prefer? Remaining a territory lost, and statehood was the preferred option for 61% of the voters who voted on the second question. In 2017, a three-way vote saw 97% of voters choose statehood.

However, the bill had 110 cosponsors, both Republicans and Democrats. Is your representative on this list?

Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [NY-16]*

Rep. Pryce, Deborah [OH-15]*

Rep. Cantor, Eric [VA-7]*

Rep. Young, Don [AK-At Large]*

Rep. Burton, Dan [IN-5]*

Rep. Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3]*

Rep. Hoyer, Steny H. [MD-5]*

Rep. Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [FL-21]*

Rep. Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [FL-18]*

Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [FL-25]*

Rep. Kennedy, Patrick J. [RI-1]*

Rep. Hyde, Henry J. [IL-6]*

Rep. Putnam, Adam H. [FL-12]*

Rep. Flake, Jeff [AZ-6]*

Rep. Pence, Mike [IN-6]*

Rep. Davis, Tom [VA-11]*

Rep. Kildee, Dale E. [MI-5]*

Rep. Weller, Jerry [IL-11]*

Rep. McKeon, Howard P. “Buck” [CA-25]*

Rep. Feeney, Tom [FL-24]*

Rep. Brown, Henry E., Jr. [SC-1]*

Rep. Bonilla, Henry [TX-23]*

Rep. Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1]*

Rep. Foley, Mark [FL-16]*

Rep. Calvert, Ken [CA-44]*

Rep. Cannon, Chris [UT-3]*

Rep. Gilchrest, Wayne T. [MD-1]*

Rep. Pearce, Stevan [NM-2]*

Rep. Nunes, Devin [CA-21]*

Rep. Sanchez, Loretta [CA-47]*

Rep. Peterson, John E. [PA-5]*

Rep. Renzi, Rick [AZ-1]*

Rep. Drake, Thelma D. [VA-2]*

Rep. Doolittle, John T. [CA-4]*

Rep. Bordallo, Madeleine Z. [GU-At Large]*

Rep. Dent, Charles W. [PA-15]*

Rep. Harris, Katherine [FL-13]*

Rep. Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-8]*

Rep. Poe, Ted [TX-2]*

Rep. Peterson, Collin C. [MN-7]*

Rep. Conaway, K. Michael [TX-11]*

Rep. Marchant, Kenny [TX-24]*

Rep. Wilson, Joe [SC-2]*

Rep. Mica, John L. [FL-7]*

Rep. Crowley, Joseph [NY-7]*

Rep. Boustany, Charles W., Jr. [LA-7]*

Rep. Blackburn, Marsha [TN-7]*

Rep. Schwarz, John J.H. “Joe” [MI-7]*

Rep. Hart, Melissa A. [PA-4]*

Rep. Fattah, Chaka [PA-2]*

Rep. Mack, Connie [FL-14]*

Rep. Weldon, Dave [FL-15]*

Rep. McCaul, Michael T. [TX-10]*

Rep. Fitzpatrick, Michael G. [PA-8]*

Rep. Cramer, Robert E. (Bud), Jr. [AL-5]*

Rep. Fossella, Vito [NY-13]*

Rep. Hensarling, Jeb [TX-5]*

Rep. Wamp, Zach [TN-3]*

Rep. Coble, Howard [NC-6]*

Rep. Mollohan, Alan B. [WV-1]*

Rep. Hostettler, John N. [IN-8]*

Rep. McCotter, Thaddeus G. [MI-11]*

Rep. Keller, Ric [FL-8]*

Rep. Kuhl, John R. “Randy”, Jr. [NY-29]*

Rep. Gohmert, Louie [TX-1]*

Rep. Moran, James P. [VA-8]*

Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4]*

Rep. Kind, Ron [WI-3]*

Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14]*

Rep. Nadler, Jerrold [NY-8]*

Rep. Walden, Greg [OR-2]*

Rep. Tauscher, Ellen O. [CA-10]*

Rep. Green, Gene [TX-29]*

Rep. Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1]

Rep. Saxton, Jim [NJ-3]

Rep. English, Phil [PA-3]

Rep. Hinchey, Maurice D. [NY-22]

Rep. Larson, John B. [CT-1]

Rep. Miller, Candice S. [MI-10]

Rep. Castle, Michael N. [DE-At Large]

Rep. Gerlach, Jim [PA-6]

Rep. Radanovich, George [CA-19]

Rep. Engel, Eliot L. [NY-17]

Rep. Maloney, Carolyn B. [NY-14]

Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [OR-4]

Rep. Doyle, Michael F. [PA-14]

Rep. McGovern, James P. [MA-3]

Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [NY-21]

Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [CA-30]

Rep. Wexler, Robert [FL-19]

Rep. Wu, David [OR-1]

Rep. Berkley, Shelley [NV-1]

Rep. Higgins, Brian [NY-27]

Rep. Murtha, John P. [PA-12]

Rep. Olver, John W. [MA-1]

Rep. McKinney, Cynthia A. [GA-4]

Rep. Taylor, Gene [MS-4]

Rep. Clyburn, James E. [SC-6]

Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7]

Rep. Meehan, Martin T. [MA-5]

Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [MS-2]

Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18]

Rep. Smith, Adam [WA-9]

Rep. Bachus, Spencer [AL-6]

Rep. Bilirakis, Michael [FL-9]

Rep. Baird, Brian [WA-3]

Rep. Moore, Dennis [KS-3]

Rep. Jefferson, William J. [LA-2]

Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [FL-17]

Rep. Salazar, John T. [CO-3]


In 2016, HR 727, the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Process Act, was introduced. This bill also was about the political status of Puerto Rico. Again, there were 110 cosponsors. 95 were Democrats, 14 were Republicans, and there was 1 Independent. That includes 17 from California, 14 from Florida, and 10 from New York. On the GovTrack page  or our HR727 page, you can see exactly who supported the statehood bill.

If your representative is on either of these lists, this is a great time to reach out and say thank you. If they didn’t support Puerto Rico before, it’s a great time to reach out and tell them why they should stand up next time.

Why is Puerto Rico not included? Because Puerto Rico has no voting members in Congress. If you live in a state, you have a chance to give a voice to Puerto Rico. If you live on the Island, this is a great time to ask your friends and families in the states to communicate with their representatives.

Use the SoundOff tool on the right side of this page, use our email letter tool, or tweet to your reps.



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