HR 1522, the Puerto Rico Statehood Admissions Act, now has 74 cosponsors. Four came on board in August and September.

Rep. Seth Moulton

Seth Moulton was a presidential candidate in 2020. He declared support for statehood for Puerto Rico at that time. He also cosponsored statehood legislation in 2018.

Moulton was part of a delegation to Puerto Rico from Massachusetts after Hurricane Maria. He has supported disaster assistance to the Island during his time in Congress.

Rep. David N. Cicilline

Cicilline published this statement on disaster assistance for Puerto Rican 2017:

“Republican leaders finally let the House vote on relief funding for Puerto Rico today. I was proud to support this funding, but I am angry it took this long. It shouldn’t take more than three weeks to help American citizens rebuild after a hurricane.”

Little did he know that Puerto Rico would not receive needed funding for months and in some cases years following Hurricane Maria.

Cicilline has cosponsored other Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Acts in the past, including the 2016 and 2018 bills.

Rep. Robin L. Kelly

Kelly is cosponsoring HR 2070 as well as HR 1522. She is not the only Member of Congress to do this.

Rep. Katie Porter

Porter is another congressperson sponsoring both PuertoRico status bills. Along with Teresa Leger Fernández, Jared Huffman, Michael San Nicolas, and Anthony Brown, Porter and Kelly are listed as cosponsors for the competing bills.

Are any of these people your representatives?

If you live in Porter, Kelly, Cicilline, or Moulton’s districts we hope you will thank them with a tweet or an email.

If your rep is not cosponsoring HR 1522, we hope you will reach out and remind them that they should. Both of the cosponsored who signed on this month had supported statehood for Puerto Rico for years. Who knows why they hesitated this year? Your rep may be in the same position — planning to cosponsor but needing that little push.

Contact your legislator now!



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