Citizens Without A State tells the story of the states of the union and how they became states. What does this have to do with Puerto Rico? The book includes plenty of information about Puerto Rico and the Island’s relationship with the United States. It also gives a clear and entertaining explanation of the admission process for the 32 territories which have already become states — and the lessons for Puerto Rico from their experiences.

From now until January 6, 2020, everyone who joins our Volunteers list will receive a special code to download the ebook version of Citizens Without A State for free. 

This book will give you a deeper understanding of Puerto Rico and her relationship with the United States. It’s also an enjoyable read. The author, Howard Hills, served in the Executive Office of the President, National Security Council and U.S. Department of State managing legal and diplomatic affairs in support of U.S. foreign policy and national security. As lead counsel for the Reagan Administration for negotiation, ratification and implementation of political status treaties with Pacific island nations, and  lead counsel on territorial status policy in Congress, the federal courts and in U.N. Security Council proceedings, Hills was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal and Joint Services Commendation Medal.

Hills also served as a Peace Corps lawyer in the U.S. administered United Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Deputy Legal Counsel to the House of Representatives in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Assistant Executive Director of the Guam Legislature’s Law Revision Commission. Hills has been in private legal practice since leaving public service.

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