Puerto Rico has a diverse political landscape with several active parties that reflect a range of ideologies and political positions. For many years, the major political parties in Puerto Rico have been associated with the three possible options for Puerto Rico’s political status. Recently, more political parties have emerged. Here are the current political parties in Puerto Rico.

The New Progressive Party (Partido Nuevo Progresista, PNP)

The PNP advocates for Puerto Rico’s statehood, seeking to make the island the 51st state of the United States. Both Governor Pedro Pierluisi, a Democrat, and Rep. Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, a Republican, are members of the PNP.  Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon is the PNP candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico.

Popular Democratic Party (Partido Popular Democrático, PPD)

The PPD supports maintaining Puerto Rico’s status as a U.S. territory, but they want enhanced autonomy, or “enhanced commonwealth.”  As it has become increasingly clear that “enhanced commonwealth” is not a viable option, some members of the PPD have come to support free association, although their definition of the relationship is generally closer to “enhanced commonwealth” than to the relationships of actual freely associated states with the United States. Jesús Manuel Ortiz González is their candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rican Independence Party (Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, PIP)

The last of the status-based parties, PIP advocates for Puerto Rican independence from the United States, seeking full sovereignty and self-governance. Juan Dalmau Ramírez is the PIP candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico. The party does not appear to have a website, but Dalmau has his own.

Citizen’s Victory Movement (Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana, MVC)

The MVC focuses on social justice, anti-corruption, and transparency, declaring support for non-colonialism in general but for no political status in particular. “We propose a process that guarantees the equitable participation of decolonizing options, that is, statehood, independence and free association,” is the statement at their website.  It supports significant reforms and aims to address economic inequality and environmental issues. Recent writings at their website are scornful of both the Republican and the Democratic presidential candidates. Javier Cordova Iturregui is their candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico.

Dignity Project (Proyecto Dignidad, PD)

The PD emphasizes conservative values, including traditional family values and a market-oriented approach to economic policies. It also supports improved governmental transparency and accountability. Like the MVC, the PD rejects the idea of choosing a particular political status. Their website says, “We declare that this Party will not advance as an institution any alternative political-legal relationship with the United States” and “We believe in the dignity of the people of Puerto Rico and, consequently, in their right to political self-determination.” Javier Jiménez Pérez is the candidate for Governor of Puerto Rico for the Dignity Project.

Other parties

There have been other parties in Puerto Rico in the past, but these are all the parties that will be fielding a candidate for governor this year.

However you intend to vote, we strongly encourage you to register and vote. Remind your friends and family to do the same. Most of the party websites linked to in this article include voter registration links.



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