The 2020 election for Governor of Puerto Rico includes a record number of candidates: six.

Pedro Pierluisi

Pedro Pierluisi was the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico for eight years before Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon. He served as Secretary of Justice for eight years. He was also briefly Governor of Puerto Rico in 2019, before a court decision chose Wanda Vazquez Garced, the current governor. Vazquez and Pierluisi faced off in the primaries last week. Pierluisi prevailed with 58% of the vote.

Pierluisi says that he will focus on equality through statehood and recovery for Puerto Rico.

Carlos “Charlie” Delgado

Charlie Delgado is mayor of Isabela, where he has served since 2001. He bested Senate Minority Leader Eduardo Bhatia Gautier and Mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulin Cruz in the primary, gaining 60% of the votes cast. Yulin Cruz gained international notoriety for calling out President Trump after Hurricane Maria. Bhatia Gautier spoke out against PROMESA in federal government hearings.

Delgado promises to transform Puerto Rico through good administration.

Alexandra Lúgaro

Lugaro represents the Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana (Citizens’ Victory Movement). They have a website, but it currently shows a security warning. Lugaro ran for governor in the last elections as an independent, and got 11% of the vote.

Juan Dalmau

Dalmau is representing the Puerto Rico Independence Party. Their website is no longer online.

César Vazquez

Dr. Vazquez represents Project Dignity, which was certified as a political party in January 2020.

Eliezer Molina

Molina is running as an independent. His domain redirects to his Facebook page.



2 Responses

  1. To all my fellow Americans in Puerto Rico Now is the time to Votefor Statehood, We Finally have a Presidential Nominee who is publicly supporting Statehood for Puerto Rico. MR Joe Biden and MRS Kamala Harris will Finally Get This Done. We must Unite Now More Than Ever To Make Puerto Rico Better, As The 51st State of the Union We Will Have A Voice in Congress and will be able to have better resources, Higher pay,more money for businesses,more law enforcement with better equipment and training. And finally Our Star in The American Flag. We deserve it ,We have Fought every American War Since WW1.

  2. Estimados Patriotas Puertoriquenos Este Es El Momento En La Historia para que Puerto Rico Finalmente Sea El 51 Estado De Los Estados Unidos. El Vice Presidente Joe Biden Y La senora Kamala Harris Nos Aseguran que Este Es El Momento para que Puerto Rico sea el 51 Estado, con su respaldo ellos ya le ablaron al congreso y el lider the la casa nos asegura que si las dos casas se convierten Demograta que Puerto Rico con el voto para ser Estado se convertira en Estado. Para que Puerto Rico de una vec por todas tenga sus representantes en el congreso y Nuestra Estrella En la Bandera Americana Que Tanto Nos Meresimos Hemos sacrificado Bastante ,Hemos peliado en todas las Guerras Ballo La Bandera Americana Desde La Primera Guerra Mundial. ” Este EsEl Momento Favor Vote por Pedro Perluisi El hara Historia y Transformara en manera Positiva A Nuestro Puerto Rico. Dios Bendiga A Todos y Que Dios Bendiga A Nuestra Isla.

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