Representative James P. McGovern is the latest cosponsor of HR2757, the Puerto Rico Status Act. Last year, the spoke in favor of HR8393, the Puerto Rico Status Act.

“For those hundred years and more, the U.S. government has not guaranteed our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico the full and equal rights of citizens on the mainland,” said Rep. McGovern.

He pointed out that Puerto Ricans cannot vote in presidential elections. “Puerto Rico’s status also limits the island economically,” he added, mentioning the PROMESA fiscal management and oversight board. “It is time that Congress recognizes that Puerto Rico has no interest in being a colony, just as we in the United States should have no interest in being a colonizing power in the year 2022.”

He explained that the Puerto Rico Status Act “finally” gives Puerto Rico a choice of political status.

“I am proud to represent a vibrant Puerto Rican community in central Massachusetts, and many of my Puerto Rican constituents have family living on the Island,” he went on. “Ultimately, the people of Puerto Rico must decide on the Island’s status, and it is up to us in Congress to help facilitate that process.”

Rep. McGovern finished up by urging his colleagues in the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the Puerto Rico Status Act.

A history of support for Puerto Rico

Having spoken up for the Puerto Rico Status Act before it was passed last year, this month Rep. McGovern has cosponsored the current Puerto Rico Status Act. This is the latest evidence of his support for Puerto Rico.

McGovern has a history of supporting Puerto Rico. He wrote in favor of additional nutrition assistance for the Island in 2019, as Puerto Rico struggled to overcome the damage done by the hurricane season of 2017 and the earthquakes that followed. He traveled to Puerto Rico in 2018 to survey the recovery. He called for Congress to support Puerto Rico in the financial crisis of 2016.

“Turning our backs on our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico is simply not an option,” he said at that time. “I am proud to represent a vibrant Puerto Rican community in Central Massachusetts and will do all I can to ensure that Congress finally fulfills its responsibility to address this financial and humanitarian crisis and help our friends in Puerto Rico in their time of need.”

Through the years, Rep. McGovern has supported statehood for Puerto Rico many times.

If Rep. McGovern is your representative, please thank him for his support.

Thank you, @RepMcGovern , for your support for the Puerto Rico Status Act. #Statehood4PuertoRico Share on X



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