Puerto Rico voters cast their ballots on November 3rd in a simple yes/no vote on statehood. With 100% of the votes counted, 623,053 voters — 52.34% — chose “Yes.”

As of this writing, 567,346 “No” votes have been counted. This represents 47.66% of the votes.

Check the official results to see the latest figures.

A clear majority

Statehood at this point has 51,998 more votes than the no statehood option.

Statehood has more votes than any of the individuals running for office, including the very popular Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon, who received 461,401 votes in her run for Resident Commissioner. Gonzalez-Colon, a Republican, favors statehood, as does the new governor, Pedro Pierluisi, who is a Democrat.

Statehood is clearly the status option preferred by the majority of voters in Puerto Rico.

What’s next?

Once the final results are certified, it will be up to Congress to respond. They should respect the vote and move to admit Puerto Rico as the 51st state.

We will update this information as more data becomes available.



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