Puerto Rico is closer to statehood than ever before. During the most recent election, a strong majority of the People of Puerto Rico once again voted to end their colonial treatment and be admitted as a state. Following other recent votes, the trend is clear: there is an unquestionable mandate for Statehood. Puerto Rico decided, but as territorial subjects we have no voting representation in Congress. We need you to be our voice. Here are some ways you can help:
  • Join us. Become part of our network to stay up to date on the issue and opportunities to make a difference.
  • Find your legislators. Not sure about your elected officials? Enter your address to see who represents you in Washington.
  • Contact your legislators. Whether you live in Puerto Rico or in a state, your Members of Congress need to know that solving the status of Puerto Rico matters to you.
  • Donate. Advocating for democracy and equality for Puerto Rico requires resources; your donation will help us keep growing the movement.
  • Sign a petition. Add your voice to demand that Congress take action on statehood today!

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