PR51st brings you news and analysis about statehood for Puerto Rico three times each week. Some of our stories are more popular than others. These are the stories that have had the most visits in 2022:
- Puerto Rico Statehood Pros and Cons
The advantages of statehood are obvious — equal rights, full participation in American democracy, economic improvements, and sovereignty, for example — but are there drawbacks? We examine the counterarguments. Spoiler alert: we don’t believe them. Some commenters objected to this article because it is biased, but we are absolutely in favor of statehood. If you can’t tell that, you may be in the wrong place. - Who Is the President of Puerto Rico?
This is one of the questions that brings large numbers of people to our website. The sad truth is, many Americans do not realize that Puerto Rico is a territory belonging to the United States. If you think that Puerto Rico is a separate country, you are mistaken. Joe Biden is currently president of Puerto Rico as well as of the states and all the other territories.
- What does Puerto Rico Bring to the Table?
Just like Arizona, Kansas, and many other current states, Puerto Rico has been dismissed as lacking resources. This is not true. The beauty of the Island and the potential of the people are enough to make Puerto Rico a desirable state, but Puerto Rico has more than that to offer. A warning: in the comments on this post, you can find many obnoxious, racist positions. We believe in free speech so we do not censor comments unless they attack individuals or use obscenities, but you are welcome to respond. - Why Is Puerto Rico Not a State?
This is a common question. Some of our visitors think that Puerto Rico is already a state. We know this because “Is Puerto Rico a State?” brings thousands of visitors to this website. Puerto Rico has voted for statehood three times during this century (2012, 2017, and 2020). It has a larger population than nearly half of the states. Congress can admit Puerto Rico as a state with a simple majority. So why is Puerto Rico still a territory? - Misconceptions about Puerto Rico Statehood: Puerto Rico Would Be a Blue State
The assumption is that Puerto Rico, once statehood is achieved, will vote Democratic. In reality, it is impossible to predict how Puerto Rico will vote. We give you the facts supporting this claim. - Puerto Rico’s Crime Rate
Does Puerto Rico have a higher crime rate than. the states? It depends. We give you the facts so you can judge for yourself. But every territory that has become a state found that crime and violence were reduced after statehood. Puerto Rico’s crime rate can be expected to improve after the Island becomes a state. - Taxation without Representation in Puerto Rico
Residents of Puerto Rico usually don’t pay federal income taxes on money earned in Puerto Rico. This is often used as an excuse for the unequal treatment of Puerto Rico. However, Puerto Ricans do pay other federal and local taxes. What’s more, nearly half of the people on the mainland do not pay income taxes. They may have to file, but tax credits and deductions mean that many people in the United States do not pay federal income taxes. Get accurate information on the tax situation. - What Puerto Rico Can Bring to the U.S. Economy
Statehood won’t correct all of Puerto Rico’s economic problems overnight. But we have seen with other territories that became states that statehood improves a territorial economy impressively and quickly. New strategic business partnerships spring up, benefiting both sides. The new state, once it is incorporated fully into the national economy, enriches the nation as well as its own people. There is no reason to think this would not be true of Puerto Rico just as it has been for the 32 territories that have already become states. We list some of Puerto Rico’s advantages. - Should Puerto Rico Choose Independence?
Independence is a possible status option under the U.S. constitution, unlike “enhanced commonwealth.” Would it be a good choice for Puerto Rico? Voters on the Island have never given independence more than 5% of the vote in any referendum. While the separatists have a wide range of fanciful excuses for this fact, it’s clear that Puerto Rico does not want independence. That’s a good reason not to consider it, but we have more. - The Taino of Puerto Rico
The first people living in Puerto Rico were the Taino. DNA evidence shows that many Puerto Ricans today have Taino heritage. Learn the basic information about these indigenous people.
2023 will be an exciting year for Puerto Rico, and we look forward to bringing you all the news and views on Puerto Rico’s fight for statehood in the common year.
We can’t go back. Join us and move forward!
3 Responses
Make it a state!!!!! Already!!! Weeeeeeeepa!!! Viva Puerto Rico
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I can see not much has changed. I was in PR from 1996 – 1999 with the Fed. I was just another Yankee imperialist who was always told “Go home, but leave your wallet behind.” I tried unsuccessfully to have the island tax structure examined by the federal government and even a private law firm. Initially, Hacienda implemented a payroll deduction plan essentially based upon independent examiner discretion. No formulas, no deductions, etc. If you made “X” amount of dollars, they’d take whatever they saw fit. Guys with the identical GS paygrades and step and no dependents would have VASTLY different amounts withheld from their bi-weekly paychecks. Some of us even saw our COLA taxed even though it was off limits under the law. When the Fed finally intervened and told Hacienda the tax system was capricious and unfairly biased, the Fed started withholding taxes under a hybrid AMT process. Then at the end of the tax year, you filed your federal taxes and received the entire amount withheld by the IRS (based on a formula) which you would then pay to Hacienda when you filed your PR taxes. Yet year after year I was told the formula was incorrect and I’d have to pay $1.5 to $2K more to live in a place where people use the public streets as an open toilet and you take your life in your hands going to an ATM any time of day. I thank God I was not married or had dependent children at that time. We’d have been living in the street.